New Posting!!!!!!!
Some people are not getting the message. This posting are excerpts taken from my posts in early 2009. This is one of the messages the Lord has given to me to give to the church. You can check Blog Archives for previous postings.
As a servant and faithful messenger of God, I release this word!
"More recently in my adult years I experienced another dream during one afternoon nap. I only had this dream once. It was the most detailing dream I ever had. I remember in the dream being at a gas station. I was sitting in a car in the front passenger seat. I had no idea who drove me there, or who I was with in the car. A woman knocked on my window and told me that there is no more gas; the gas station ran out of gas. I told her then I guess I better go to another gas station. She said you can’t, because the streets are missing and there is total chaos, there is nowhere to go. She then went on to say that people are missing, there just disappearing. I remember in the dream speaking to my father right before I was at the gas station. He said he was going out and he will be right back. I could see his car in my dream, but there was no sign of him. The streets in front of him and behind him were all gone. His car stood there alone with the car still running, keys were still in the ignition, and the driver’s side door was left open. At that moment I received a call from my Dad saying son get ready! The rapture is occurring! Jesus is coming! Then the phone call ended. Still there was no sign of him. But I had spoken to him. I sat there and I started praying with my hands extended in the air while sitting in the car. Another woman knocked on the window as I was praying and told me that I shouldn’t do it that way, because when she did the Lord literally brought her to her knees. As I got out of the car I fell immediately on my knees and started praying. I could see a light approaching at me fiercely. As the light was approaching I was able to see the earth. Beams of lights were going up to this light that hovered the earth. I saw a lot of beams of light coming from the area of Africa. Why Africa? I just don’t know. I really couldn’t tell you. But that’s what I saw. As I opened my eyes I saw people disappearing before my eyes as all mankind stood in awe as they were watching what was going on. I closed my eyes as this light was approaching, as it got brighter and brighter and as it drew near me. When the light got to me the dream ended. When I woke up I was in a cold sweat and I felt different. I knew the Lord was telling me something, I just didn’t know what. I had my interpretation of it, but I still didn’t know what it meant. I spoke to a few men of God about the dream who had told me what they felt the dream was about. It was similar to my interpretation. The Lord was telling me I am coming! Be ready! He allowed me to feel in a real sense what the possibility of being left behind felt like. He gave me a glimpse of how many people including myself will not be ready. He showed me the world as a whole as this phenomenon occurred everywhere. No part of the earth was left uncovered. The whole world was watching. Many of us believe, but yet still we are not ready. Jesus is coming like a thief in the night. That doesn’t mean he is coming in the middle of the night or when we are sleeping. Because regardless of his timing or our conscious or subconscious nature, many of us will still not be ready. It is what it is. "
In his Word it says,
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
And regarding the question, friends, that has come up about what happens to those already dead and buried, we don't want you in the dark any longer. First off, you must not carry on over them like people who have nothing to look forward to, as if the grave were the last word. Since Jesus died and broke loose from the grave, God will most certainly bring back to life those who died in Jesus.And then this: we can tell you with complete confidence - we have the Master's word on it - that when the Master comes again to get us, those of us who are still alive will not get a jump on the dead and leave them behind. In actual fact they'll be ahead of us. The Master himself will give the command. Archangel thunder! God's trumpet blast! He'll come down from heaven and the dead in Christ will rise - they'll go first. Then the rest of us who are still alive at the time will be caught up with them into the clouds to meet the Master. Oh, we'll be walking on air! And then there will be one huge family reunion with the Master. So reassure one another with these words.This is truly amazing; they are some scriptures in the Bible that speaks of the coming of God. We will see his son Jesus as living proof that he is risen. There is something to live for. There is a better place. Soon the coming of our King will come, and we will all dwell with him.
A few months after this dream the Lord gave me this word.
"The Holy Spirit has placed this in my heart and I know it is my responsibility to share this with you.The Church is hurting today and has been for a long time.
Right now the Church is being positioned and aligned before the coming of the Messiah.
Today the Church is:
bound by iniquity
pierced for our transgressions
beaten beyond recognition
stripped naked
laughed at
spat at
and ultimately crucified.
Today's Church is the body of Christ. The people of the Church makes the body of Christ.Today people in the Church are:
bound by iniquity
pierced for our transgressions
beaten beyond recognition
stripped naked
laughed at
spat at
and ultimately crucified.
Jesus Christ in the flesh was:
bound by iniquity
pierced for our transgressions
beaten beyond recognition
stripped naked
laughed at
spat at
and ultimately crucified.
Now remember that on the head of Jesus there was a crown of thorns that was thrusted deeply into his scalp. The blood that gushed from this head covered his eyes that created a form of blindness. Jesus could not see. All this while enduring a painful process.The heads of today's Church, today's body of Christ, has a crown of thorns that's thrusted deeply, creating a blindness preventing one to see. That is why the accountability is so high for those in the position of leadership, because if you allow the thorns to prevail, you can lead so many astray, because of the blindness. Remember that saying," Its like the blind leading the blind".But on the third day the body of Christ rose from the dead, Jesus Christ rose from the dead so shall today's Church raise from the dead.Today's Church is approaching its third day.The body of Christ is about to be resurrected.The body of Christ is going through the transformation.God is going to do a mighty work in the body of Christ right before resurrection.That time is now!The Church is being aligned and positioned now to receive the kingdom of God. The Church, The body of Christ is about to be taken and risen from the dead. The rapture of the Church is at hand."
The time right now is for us to raise our level of worship, our level of praise, higher worship, higher praise, in the good times and most certainly in these current bad times. Our Praise and Worship must reach the heavens, so the heavens can open and reach us on earth by the annointing of the Holy Spirit. The Church must usher in the coming of our Lord with Thanksgiving and Praise.
That time is NOW!!!
Behold Jesus Christ is coming, are you ready?
11 years ago
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